Children are defined as anyone under the age of 18. Anyone 18 or over is legally considered an adult under Australian law.
PresSafe Risk Management Officer (RMO)
Please note: PCQ can delegate authority to approve camps, special events and high risk activities.
This person is appointed by the Assembly to overview denominational children’s ministry and is responsible for assessing and approving high risk activities and liaising with external bodies (e.g. Police) concerning child safety concerns.
PresSafe Safety Administration Officer (SAO)
This person is appointed by the Commission of Assembly and is responsible for developing and implementing strategies and training to prevent harm, and assisting charges to maintain compliance for Working With Children Checks, WHS legislation and Church policies and procedures.
PresSafe Basics Training
Training for any person providing assistance in a logistical capacity in a children’s ministry program (Helper or other assistant) or who have an arms-length financial management role (e.g. committee of management members). This involvement may be regular, irregular or once off. This Basics Training also acts as annual ‘refresher’ training in the three year cycle of Leader and Coordinator Training.
PresSafe Leader Training
Training for any person providing teaching content or directing activities in a children’s ministry program. Your involvement in a children’s ministry program can be regular (e.g. once a week) or perhaps for a specific holiday or one-off ministry where you teach or run activities.
PresSafe Coordinator Training
Training for anyone who coordinates a children’s ministry program (e.g. Ministry Coordinator such as Sunday School Superintendent, Youth Pastor, Kid’s Club Team Leader, Minister, Camp Director, etc.)
PreSafe Overseer Training
Training for elders and Outreach & Nurture Committee members who have the responsibility for the risk management of a children’s ministry program, but have delegated their authority to a Ministry Coordinator and do not have direct involvement in the children’s ministry program.
Working With Children Check
These are state-government based checks within Australia to determine if an individual’s past conduct makes them suitable to work with children or not. These checks consider such things as any police charges, Child protection prohibition orders, and investigations into allegations relating to serious child-related sexual offences. In Queensland a positive Working With Children Check results in a positive notice letter and a Blue Card being issued.
PresSafe Agreement
This is your agreement with PCQ to abide by the PCQ Policies and Procedures as well as the PCQ Code of Conduct for Safe Ministry With Children. This will include referees to confirm your suitability to work with children.
A Leader is any person 18 and over who has been approved by Session to deliver teaching content or provide activities in a children’s ministry. They are required to complete the PresSafe Leader Training every 3 years if they continue to serve in such a ministry role.
A Junior Leader is any person under 18 who has been approved by Session to deliver content or providing activities in a children’s ministry, under the supervision of a Leader. Junior Leaders who are 15 years and under will need to complete PresSafe Basics Training annually with their Ministry Coordinator or Minister. Junior Leaders aged 16 or 17 will be expected to complete PresSafe Leader Training with their Ministry Coordinator or Minister.
A Helper is any person who has been approved by Session to assist Leaders in children’s ministry. This is not a teaching position, but provides logistical and practical support. Helpers need to complete PresSafe Basics Training.
A Junior Helper is any person under 18 who has been approved by Session to assist Leaders in a Children’s Ministry. Junior Helpers will need to complete PresSafe Basics Training with their Ministry Coordinator or Minister.
A Ministry Coordinator is any person approved by Session (or the Committee on Outreach & Nurture) to lead a ministry or program for children in a local church or camp. They may have a different name in your local church, such as Sunday School Superintendent or Youth Minister, but will be referred to as ‘Ministry Coordinator’ in this training.
A Minister is a person ordained as the teaching elder within a local church (they may also be referred to as the Pastor or teaching elder).
An Elder is a person elected as a spiritual leader within a local church.
A Session (from the Latin word sessio, which means “to sit” to deliberate or discuss something) is the body of elected elders governing as spiritual overseers of each local congregation or charge. It is also sometimes also called a Kirk Session or a Board of Elders. The Minister is normally the chairman or Moderator of the Session, and does not vote unless a vote is tied. One elder is elected as the Session Clerk and is responsible for keeping the records of the meetings and for handling the Session business.
A Congregation is a body of people who gather in a particular location for Christian worship, instruction, fellowship, work and witness, with the sanction of the Presbytery and under the supervision of a Session.
A Charge is made up of one or more congregations. It is often referred to as the local church.
The Presbyterian Church of Queensland (PCQ) is part of The Presbyterian Church of Australia and is made up of individual congregations of people under the supervision of elders.