In Your Local Church

PresSafe is implemented in every local Presbyterian Church in Queensland.

At each local church, a group of Elders (the Session) are responsible to oversee all children’s ministry that occurs in that congregation. They are responsible for implementing and overseeing PresSafe within that church. How PresSafe is organised in each local church might look a bit different, as it will depend on a variety of factors like the size of the congregation and the ministries provided there. The Session must approve and minute all leaders and helpers in ministries to children. They must also approve all children’s ministry programs, activities, or events conducted by that local church.

Each church will usually have a Minister (i.e. the teaching Elder/Pastor at a local Presbyterian church). The Minister also has a specific role within that church as the person to whom disclosures of abuse or suspicion of harm are reported. (This may be in conjunction with a Children’s Ministry Coordinator, depending on the church.)

Any person who the Session has authorised the responsibility for a church’s children’s ministry program, including special activities or events, is referred to as a Ministry Coordinator within PresSafe. This person might have oversight of the youth group, Sunday School, Kids Club, playgroup, or creche, depending on how that particular church is organised and what ministries it provides. Any person in such a role will generally oversee and instruct their leaders/helpers in PresSafe policies and procedures, and disclosures of abuse or suspicions of harm within that ministry will be reported to them.

A Leader is someone who regularly leads and/or teaches within a children’s ministry program, activity or event.

A Helper is anyone who assists with the logistics or basic supervision within a children’s ministry program, activity or event.

Anyone involved with children’s ministry within PCQ must complete the PresSafe Selection Process, including holding a current Working With Children Check.