The following information is for Ministry Coordinators, Ministers and Elders, to provide detail about the Selection Process listed on
When an individual has been identified to potentially undertake a ministry role, they must complete the following before they commence that role. This includes ANYONE involved in ANY role in the delivery of a PCQ children’s ministry program or activity – whether regular, irregular or once off involvement.
➤ Be a holder of a positive Working With Children Check (unless exempt*);
➤ Complete a PresSafe Agreement (available at which includes:
- Agreeing to the Code of Conduct, and
- Undertaking a Reference Check for suitability to work with children.
➤ Undertake an interview with the Minister/Ministry Coordinator to assess suitability to work with children;
➤ Complete initial PresSafe Training (and ongoing annual training);
➤ Be approved and minuted as a leader or helper by your church’s Session or relevant committee.
Anyone involved with children’s ministry will need to be added to the relevant Elvanto ‘Safe Ministry Reporting Group‘ in order that they be included in the regular automated reporting on PresSafe compliance. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Stuart Hoadley at Church Offices.
Starting At A New Church
If an individual has completed this process at one church, then commences at new church within PCQ, they will need to re-complete the Selection Process. This will include a new PresSafe Agreement and interview. The kind of training they will be required to complete is at the discretion of the church.
Changing Role or Additional Role/s
If an individual is changing ministry role within their local church, this change will just need to be minuted by Session and the individual will need to undertake any additional relevant training. They do not need to complete a new PresSafe Agreement if they remain within the same Charge.
If the individual is an existing Elder or Committee of Management member, then you will need to ensure they have a current Working With Children Check (or exemption), and complete relevant PresSafe Training.
Nominating for Session or Committee Of Management
Any person nominated as an Elder or for Committee of Management, should complete the PresSafe Selection Process as part of pursuing that nomination. If circumstances arise and this process has not be finalised before they are elected to such a position, they will unable to function in the position until the PresSafe Selection Process has been completed. For example, they will not be able to vote as part of Session or Committee of Management.
*Parents of children assisting within a ministry where their child/ren are participants will not need to supply a Blue Card but must declare they are not a ‘Restricted Person‘. This declaration is made as part of the PresSafe Agreement.
Types of Training |
Annual training is required for any person involved with children’s ministry. PCQ has four types of training for safe ministry with children. Please identify which best fits the role an individual is applying for.
BASICS – An individual in a logistical and practical support capacity for a children’s ministry activity or program. This is normally in a non-teaching role and may include involvement that is regular, irregular or once off. Someone in this role ideally professes Christian faith, but must be able to uphold the PCQ Code of Conduct for working with children.
Basics Training is also used as a ‘refresher’ in the alternate years for those who have completed PresSafe Leader training (see table below for further explanation.)
LEADER – An individual in a Bible Teaching capacity or directing activities in a children’s ministry activity or program. This person must actively profess Christian faith and uphold the PCQ Code of Conduct for working with children. This will need to be completed every three years.
COORDINATOR – An individual in an oversight capacity (Minister, Ministry Coordinator, Team Leader or similar) of a children’s ministry activity or program. This person must actively profess Christian faith and uphold the PCQ Code of Conduct for working with children. This will need to be completed every three years.
OVERSEER – An elder who does not have direct involvement with children’s ministry, but will be approving children’s ministry programs, activities and leaders.
All Elders are required to complete PresSafe Overseer Training. The only exception is where an Elder is also a Children’s Ministry Coordinator, in which case they must undertake both Leader and Coordinator training instead.
How To Access Training |
Training can be accessed:
- In Person with a Facilitator – an Approved PresSafe Trainer will come to you and run training for you and your team.
- Online – an email can be sent from Elvanto using the appropriate template, with a link to the relevant PresSafe Training. Once completed, this will be recorded automatically in Elvanto. (See instructions below for more information about sending the email.)
- In Person using PowerPoint – PowerPoint presentations will be made available for you to running training with your team.
- Document – [BASICS & OVERSEER TRAINING ONLY]. A PDF document of the PresSafe Basics Training is available to download from the PresSafe website ( You will need your Elvanto login details to access these documents. An individual can read through this document to complete PresSafe Basics or Overseer Training.
PLEASE NOTE: Any training that is not completed online, will need to be recorded manually in Elvanto.
If you would like to send your leader/s to online training, you can do this by:
- Logging into Elvanto
- On the left dashboard menu, click on “People.”
- Identify and select which group or persons you want to contact.
- Click the ‘Contact People’ button in the top right of the screen.
- Select the ‘Email Only’ tab from the pop-up screen that appears.
- From the ‘Template’ drop-down menu, select “PresSafe Leader Training” or “PresSafe Basics Training.”
- After confirming you are sending to the correct recipient/s, click ‘Send’.
This will send an email to your leader/s with a link to the PresSafe Leader Training. Once your team member has completed the online training, they will have the option of downloading or printing a certificate that shows they have completed the training. Please encourage your team members to download this certificate for their personal records.
NB: Their PCQ Elvanto record will automatically be updated to indicate the completion of the PresSafe training.
If you are not using PCQ Elvanto, please contact Stuart Hoadley if you need assistance.
Interviewing Process |
An important part of determining suitability of an applicant to work safely with children is conducting an interview. This does not need to be a onerous process, but demonstrates intentionality with who is involved with ministry to children. It can be tailored for specific roles and must satisfy the Ministry Coordinator or Minister that the individual is appropriate for the role. Generally an interview would take place after an individual has completed PresSafe Training.
Interviews should:
- Confirm that an individual has a clear understanding of child safety and protection. For example: for example “How would you respond to a complaint of abuse?” or “What do you consider to be inappropriate actions or conduct with a child?”
- Confirm that an individual has a character suitable for their role working with children and the Christian context of an activity or program. (Local churches will need to outline the position criteria they require for the role being performed – this would include their understanding of the Christian faith, as relevant to their role.)
- Confirm that an individual has gifting or willingness and teachability for their role. (Local churches need to be clear what the role involves, and whether the individual is willing and able to undertake this role.)
PresSafe Agreement |
A PresSafe Agreement assists in determining the suitability of an individual to work children within PCQ.
ANYONE involved in ANY way in the delivery of a PCQ ministry to children must complete an Appointment Agreement. This document must be completed by the applicant with their Supervisor (Ministry Coordinator or Minister). The PresSafe Agreement provides:
- Checklist for Selection Process.
- Confirmation of a Working With Children Check.
- Agreement with the PresSafe Code of Conduct.
- Declaration of any past criminal history or complaints in relation to children.
- Referee check as to the individual’s suitability to work with children, based on past ministry or other involvements.
The PresSafe Agreement should be submitted to Session as part of the individual’s approval to be involved in the ministry, along with any other supporting material.